
Cobb Premier – BBQ, convection oven, smoker or stove

Cobb Premier, cooker, BBQ, convection oven

The Cobb range of cookers might be just the thing to pack if you want to easily cook on the go, or maybe even wow people by cooking meals right on the table.

Use it as a convection oven, barbecue, smoker or stove. Get it going with a fire starter, throw in 8 charcoal briquettes, and wait 10 minutes. With that amount of fuel the Cobb gets up to around 260 degrees Celsius, ready to cook.

Inside the Cobb, as you can see in the parts of the Cobb photo accompanying this article, is a component that drains the fat while cooking, serving for a healthier meal and smokeless cooking, as the drained fat is kept away from the flame.

And while it can be up to 260 degrees on the inside, on the outside it is cool to the touch, making it safe to hold, and safe to use on any surface. At a weight of only 4.5 kilograms, it is extremely portable.

Price and availability

The Cobb Premier sells for $239.90. Cobb also sell a clightly cheaper model, the Pro, for $199.90. They are in most respects the same product, the big difference is that where the Premier sports a stainless steel mesh on the outside of the base, the Pro has a powder coated mild steel.

Both cookers can be purchased online from the Cobb website, or navigate to the Retailers page on their site if you want to go and have a look before you buy.

You can also purchase the charcoal briquettes on the Cobb website, or even a kit to mount the Cobb on a boat.

Video demonstration of the Cobb

Watch this video, just over two-and-a-half minute long video to see the Cobb in action. There was an Australian video, but is was very short, and in the wrong aspect ratio. This Cobb America video is better quality and a better demonstration. Enjoy!

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