
Miniot iPad 2 smart cover – gives your iPad wood

Miniot iPad 2 cover, made of wood

Apple’s own Smart Covers for the iPad are colourful, and offer a certain degree of protection for the iPad 2 in transit, plus by rolling up form a handy stand.

A competitor to the Apple iPad 2 Smart Cover is made by Miniot, a company located in the Netherlands. The Miniot iPad cover attaches by magnets just like Apple’s Smart Cover, it also rolls up to act as a stand, and also wakes up and puts to sleep the iPad 2. The big difference is in the material the Miniot iPad Cover is constructed from – wood.

On the underside of the wood is a 3 mm layer of ultrasuede micofibre to protect the screen of the iPad 2 from scratches.

The Standard Series of Miniot iPad 2 covers cost 50 Euros, with a choice of 6 types of wood, and a black ultrasuede lining. Starting from 70 Euros you can pick from a “quazillion combinations” of wood finish, and a choice of 9 colours of ultrasuede lining. Other options available are the addition of engraving designs, logos, etc. on the wooden surface.

The iPad 2 covers can be ordered from the Miniot website.