The Nintendo 3DS was announced recently, an update to the venerable Nintendo DS line, adding glasses-free 3D gaming into the mix. The Nintendo 3DS goes on sale on March 31, and will sell for $349.95 RRP.
Announced today was the games line-up that will also go on sale at launch. And those games are:
- nintendogs + cats, in three versions: nintendogs + cats Golden Retriever & New Friends, nintendogs + cats French Bulldog & New Friends, nintendogs + cats Toy Poodle & New Friends
- Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
Next up will be Pilotwings Resort, and Steel Diver – there’s no release dates on these as yet.
The only price information given was that Nintendo 3DS games will have an RRP of ‘from $69.95’.
Throughout the rest of the year a whole swag of Nintendo 3DS games will follow:
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Edition from Capcom
- The Sims 3 from Electronic Arts
- PES 2011 3D from Konami
- Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars from LucasArts
- Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game from Disney
- Ridge Racer 3D from Namco Bandai
- Super Monkey Ball 3D, Crush 3D, Thor: God of Thunder, from SEGA
- Samurai Warriors: Chronicles and Dead or Alive Dimensions from Tecmo Koei.Europe Ltd.
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Shadow Wars, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 3D, Rayman 3D, Asphalt 3D, Combat of Giants Dinosaurs 3D, James Noir’s Hollywood
Crimes, Driver Renegade, Puzzle Bobble Universe and Rabbids 3D from