
Nokia GEM concept phone – the total touchscreen approach

Nokia Gem concept phone

The Nokia Research Centre (NRC) has just turned 25, and to mark the occasion it has released a short video of a concept phone, called the Nokia GEM. The NRC’s brief is the research of topics “related to the future of mobility in the merging physical and digital worlds.”

As you’ll see in the video below, the entire phone is a touchscreen. It opens up multiple ways to use the one app, at the same time, easier multitasking, and, no small thing for some, a unique way to customise a phone.

Senior Design Manager Jarkko Saunamäki, says of the Nokia GEM:

“Now, when you launch an application like the camera, your mobile phone still looks like a mobile phone, but with GEM, when you launch the camera application, the whole phone looks like a camera.

“It’s the ultimate customizable device,” says Jarkko.

“There is no default appearance. If you play a lot of games it will usually resemble a games pad, for example.

“It’s called GEM because polished precious stones have several sides. Also it’s a concept which is like a raw gem, but it needs to be polished to become a real product.”