
Nomad Brush – for the iPad artist

Nomad Brush, for the iPad and other capacitive touchscreen devices

Don Lee found using his finger to paint on the iPad awkward.

I love to sketch and paint, and like many of you, I found the iPad to be a great digital sketchbook and canvas. However, I found that drawing with my finger was awkward. After trying out many styluses, I failed to find a suitable one… so I invented the Nomad Brush.

The Nomad Brush is made of a blend of natural and conductive fibres, with soft flexible bristles to assist your digital art endeavours.

Not only does the Nomad Brush work with the iPad, it works with any capacitive touchscreen device. Note that is not compatible with Wacom tablets.

The Nomad Brush requires no power. You simply need some fingers and an artistic bent.

You can buy the Nomad Brush online from Amazon.

Watch the Nomad Brush in action in the demonstration video below: