
Oricom Gilda designer cordless phone

Oricom Gilda cordless DECT phone, in red

If there’s one little circle of design that I’ve liked for a while now, it’s designers in the 1960s imagining the future, and current designers re-imagining the 60s. I’ve written about a few such re-imaginings lately, and now, say hello to the newest addition to the group, the Oricom Gilda DECT cordless phone.

Branded Oricom, the design of the Gilda has been carried out by Milan-based design consultancy, MID. MID – that’s Made In Dreams, or Made in Italy, depending upon which of the initialisms you like on its website.

The Oricom Gilda is a DECT digital, cordless phone. It has an inbuilt answering machine function using flash memory (so no moving parts), a 100 name and number phone book, and 10 ringtones. Fully charged it will give up to 10 hours talk time, and it can be placed in the cradle laid down, or stood up – either way, it looks like a 60s phone.

Price and availability

The Gilda cordless phone will go on sale in April, and sell for $69.95 RRP. The initial colour range will be red, black and white.

| Oricom |