Our Win 1 of 3 copies of Alien Anthology Limited Edition Collector’s Set competition closed late last week, and the three winners have been written to, and have replied. In the not to distant future those three lucky winners will be watching a LOT of high definition, high class sci-fi.
The three winners were:
- S. Topping, St Peters NSW
- T. O’Connor, Blackwood SA
- C. Kane, Bendigo VIC
Their entries were the following:
1. Alien vs Steve Jobs. We will finally understand the true power of Steve’s Reality Distortion Field. I can see it now… Aliens lining up around the block for iFacehugger.
2. Alien vs the chicks from Sex in the City. Alien could impregnate them and then eat from the inside out. Why? Hours of entertainment, I’d never tire of watching it!
3. Sarah Palin. Imagine two such closely matched preditors going at it ? Although I’d back Palin she’s a lot nastier, the sequel could be about their secret love child – PALIEN.
Congratulations to the three winners, and thank you to everyone else who entered, there were a lot of very good entries!
It was a very cool prize to win, and I for one am more than a little jealous. Twentieth Century Fox have not as yet sent through a copy for review. *sad face*
Speaking of Twentieth Century Fox, and big thank you to them for providing the prizes.
That’s it for competitions in 2010, but stay tuned, they’ll be back bigger and better in 2011.