The interesting, yet torturous watch company, Tokyoflash, has for a long time now been inviting members of the publich to submit designs to the company, with the possibility of some of those designs becoming actual products in the Tokyoflash range. To date, seven of the fan-submitted concept designs have moved from concept to made product.
The Revelation isn’t one of those seven, but judging by the votes and comments on the Tokyoflash blog, there are many who would like to see it be number eight. Watch this photo montage, and see how the Revelation watch works:
The pop-up Revelation watch design is the work of Sam Jerichow, of Germany. His inspiration was the push-to-release mechanism of the memory card of his camera. Press the circle on the top of the watch, and up comes the “time capsule”.
On the top row of numbers in the pop-up the hours of the day are indicated, minutes at the bottom. The current time is shown at the point where the black vertical line sits across the two rows.
Revelation Watch image gallery
Click the thumbnails below to see larger images of the Revelation Watch concept design.